Sea-froth Cut-outs (I)

This composition is a small cantata for three voice children’s choir and brass quintet with lyrics by WÅ‚odzimierz SÅ‚obodnik. The inspiration to write this piece was a nice and cheerful poem received from its author WÅ‚odzimierz SÅ‚obodnik during holiday in Dom Pracy Twórczej ZAIKS in Ustka in 1956.

The piece consists of five cheerful, jolly and even satirical songs in a moderately modern texture. The choral part is easy and adequate for performing abilities of children. The instrumental part however is aimed to professional musicians.

The piece was so popular with audiences that the State Philharmonic in Łódź recommenced its performances in 1958. The piece was also included in repertoires of many school choirs in the country. In 1979 composer was presented with the Award of the Prime Minister in recognition of his artistic work for children and youths and for Sea-froth Cut-outs in particular.