Song about Soldiers of Westerplatte – for 4 voice men’s choir

The song was written by the composer fascinated with the poetical expression of the poem by Polish poet Konstanty Ildefons GaÅ‚czyÅ„ski (1905-1953). The music serves as an illustration for the text of the poem. Its contemplative and reflective character of the song was underlined by the use of spoken lyrics. The other version of the […]

Song about Soldiers of Westerplatte – for 4 voice mixed choir

The song was written by the composer fascinated with the poetical expression of the poem by Polish poet Konstanty Ildefons GaÅ‚czyÅ„ski (1905-1953). The music serves as an illustration to the text of the poem. Originally the song was composed for four voice men’s choir in1968.

Songs for Holy Mass – for mixed choir

For mixed choir a capella. For liturgical texts.

Songs of Mazovia, Vistula and Warsaw

Compostion was written in the form of cantata as a result of fascination with poems of WÅ‚adysÅ‚aw Broniewski and consists of the following five songs – Równino mazowiecka / Rzeko piÄ™kna / Mowo polska / Nad WisÅ‚Ä… jest miasto / Warszawo, strzaskana kolumno (double fugue) – lyrics for which were taken from the poem Mazovia […]

Songs of the Virigin Mary

This is a series of songs for three voice mixed choir which was written for a young church band lead by the composer. It is an arrangement of eight well known church songs from father Jan Siedlecki’s church songbook (Åšpiewnik koÅ›cielny) for two female and one male voice. Songs are aimed at amateur choirs and […]

Thinking Homeland

These two songs for six voices mixed choir were composed at the request of father Kazimierz Szymonik for the Choir of Akademia Teologii Katolickiej in Warsaw. Compositions were inspired by the lyrics of Karol Wojtyła (future pope John Paul II) taken from the collection of poems Myśląc Ojczyzna.

To Polish Speech

This is one movement song for three voice children’s choir with irregular structure with lyrics by Polish poet WÅ‚adysÅ‚aw Broniewski (1987-1962), composed at the comision of PaÅ„stwowe Wydawnictwa Muzyczne PWM for The Guide for Primary School Choir Master (Przewodnik dla prowadzÄ…cego

To the Warsaw Bridge

This song was dedicated to and composed at the commission of the Warsaw Choir Surma. The piece has a form of motet with the A-B-C-A’ structure and lyrics by the Polish Renaissance poet Jan Kochanowski (1530-1584). The composer applied elements typical for a Renaissance choir to match the Renaissance lyrics.

UrzÄ…d Zbawienia Ludzkiego – Advent song for 2 voice choir

Published in Bibliotka Organisty No. 2 in 1957.

UrzÄ…d Zbawienia Ludzkiego – Advent song for 3 voice choir

Published in Bibliotka Organisty No. 2 in 1957.