Nim przyjdzie wiosna, nim przyjdÄ… mrozy

This is one movement song for four voices mixed choir with lyrics by Polish poet Jarosław Iwaszkiewicz (1894-1980).

Of Chopin songs

Cantata for 4 voice mixed choir with lyrics by Artur Oppman. The inspiration to compose the series of songs in different rhythms and musical ambience was taken from poems of Artur Oppman. The composition consists of six songs – Po klawiszach / Czy przypominasz / Jak mazurek zuchowaty /

Orpheus in the Woods

Orpheus in the Woods is a cantata consisting of six songs with the lyrics by Polish poet Krzysztof Kamil Baczyński (1921-1944). The contents, dramaturgy and formal arrangement of this composition is determined by the original poem and its emotions, changes of atmosphere and bright and charming poetical form.

Our May

The song for three equal voices for the lyrics of Polish poet Władysław Broniewski (1897-1962).

Polish Litany

The piece is a song for four voice mixed choir. It was composed at the request of father Kazimierz Szymonik for the Choir of Akademia Teologii Katolickiej in Warsaw. It is religious composition in one movement in the form of litany with lyrics by father Jan Twardowski. Pleading character – so

PrzeÅ›liczna Panno – for 2 voice choir

This is a song of Virgin Mary. It was also arranged for two other choir sets.

PrzeÅ›liczna Panno – for 3 voice choir

This is a song of Virgin Mary. It was also arranged for two other choir sets.

PrzeÅ›liczna Panno – for 4 voice choir

This is a song of Virgin Mary. It was also arranged for two other choir sets.

Responsoria for Corpus Christi

Six songs for four voice mixed choir for Corpus Christi. The songs are: Respexit Elias / Immolabit / Homo guidam / Mens impletur gratia / O Sacrum / Misit me vivens.

Soldier’s Dream

This is one movement song for four voice mixed choir using lyrics by the poet Konstanty Ildefons Gałczyński.