
Ballad of Two Scythes

The song for three voice children’s choir composed at the commission of PaÅ„stwowe ZakÅ‚ady Wydawnictw Szkolnych for the Guide for a school choir leader (Przewodnik dla prowadzÄ…cego chór w szkole podstawowej). The piece is particularly suitable for a proficient amateur choir.

Homeland – choral song for 3 equal voices

This composition was written for the school choir lead by Mr. Zbigniew Soja in PPSM No. 1 in Warsaw. It has a ceremonial character and was written for the lyrics of poet Konstanty Ildefons Gałczyński. It features a well developed form and is an apotheosis of a common people song. This one movement piece has Read more

Homeland (Song of Homeland)

This is one movement song for four voice children’s choir, based on the lyrics of Konstanty Ildefons GaÅ‚czyÅ„ski, with three part A-B-A’ internal structure. The piece has a couple of versions and the archetype of the piece was a song with the same title composed for mixed choir also in 1953.

Sea-froth Cut-out (II)

This is transcription of original cantata Sea-froth Cut-outs (I) for three voice children’s choir and brass quintet for a three voice children’s choir with piano. This version of the piece was composed to aid an education of choir singers and when there were difficulties in finding the professional brass Read more

Sea-froth Cut-out (III)

This is another version of the small cantata Sea-froth Cut-outs (I) for three voice children’s choir and brass quintet in transcription for a three voice children’s choir, string band and piano. This composition was written for school bands – the choir and the string band lead by Zbigniew Soja in PPSM No. 1 (State Music School No. 1) in Warsaw. The instrumental composition of the ensemble in this version was a result of the performing abilities of the school bands.

Sea-froth Cut-outs (I)

This composition is a small cantata for three voice children’s choir and brass quintet with lyrics by WÅ‚odzimierz SÅ‚obodnik. The inspiration to write this piece was a nice and cheerful poem received from its author WÅ‚odzimierz SÅ‚obodnik during holiday in Dom Pracy Twórczej ZAIKS in Ustka in 1956. Read more

To Polish Speech

This is one movement song for three voice children’s choir with irregular structure with lyrics by Polish poet WÅ‚adysÅ‚aw Broniewski (1987-1962), composed at the comision of PaÅ„stwowe Wydawnictwa Muzyczne PWM for The Guide for Primary School Choir Master (Przewodnik dla prowadzÄ…cego Read more


This piece was composed at the commission of PaÅ„stwowe ZakÅ‚ady Wydawnictw Szkolnych for the guide Przewodnika dla prowadzÄ…cego chór w szkole podstawowej. It is a song for three voice mixed choir with lyrics by Konstanty Ildefons GaÅ‚czyÅ„ski. It has simple texture and is aimed for highly skilled children’s choir.


This composition is a song for three voice female choir or children’s choir with lyrics by Polish poet Julian Tuwim (1894-1953). It was written to meet the needs of the school choir lead by Mr. Zbigniew Soja in PPSM Nr 1 (state music school no. 1) in Warsaw.